Ceylon Cinnamon - Why is it so expensive?

Ceylon Cinnamon - why is it so expensive?

  • Ceylon Cinnamon is native for just one region in the world which Sri Lanka and comes from the tree Cinammom verum.
  • One pound of cinnamon can cost about $27 and the price can go upto $100 depending on size, variety and thickness. 
  • Ceylon Cinnamon is one of the healthiest more milder option to cinnamon in western markets called "Cassia" cinnamon.

Unlike other cinnamon varities ceylon cinnamon is not widely produced dues to the shortage of workers to remove quills.

 In US markets , Ceylon Cinnamon is not specifically labelled , therefore most markets contain cinnamon of "Cassia" variety which has relatively high levels of toxin coumarin.

Coumarin can cause liver damage if consumed excessively so the Ceylon Cinnamon is the prized variety and that is why it is also expensive.

The most prized is the thinnest quils which is called "Alba" and is the most expensive. As it has a more milder flavour , the delicate and smooth flavour gives the dishes a sweet aroma and beautiful mouth feel.

In recent decades , climate change has been a known factor to decrease the growth of cinnamon and that climates which often has frequent droughts , and heated temperatures.


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